What I have realized as I determinedly pursued destiny is that our interpersonal interactions with people fall into two basic categories: those who ignite and leave us with energy, inspired, elevated, and motivated to grow. Then we have those who leave us drained because they have taken this opportunity to unload their problems, issues, and unsolicited advice. We all have friends, colleagues, or family members who possess the unique ability to cast a dark shadow on any moment we may be sharing together. For some reason, we can’t or don’t want to remove them from our lives. We’re aware of their perpetual “negativity,” their propensity to blame, their desire to choose pain over joy, and their tendency to think that it’s someone or something that has made them unhappy. They are constantly speaking negative of people and situations. They prefer to see what doesn’t work rather than what does work. They are constantly complaining. They're always sharing news that makes them the victim, never taking personal responsibility for their actions that got them into the mess. Then they use your energy to pull themselves out of the dark pit to make themselves feel better. They suck you dry then they eventually move on to pull the life force out of someone else. Yet, we often provide them with the green light to deplete our energy reserves over and over again by offering these energy suckers “well-meant” words to try to quell their pessimistic, frustrated, cynical attitude.
I have come to this very rich realization, that we’re all connected to one another through the very core of our being which is matter. If you could see yourself under a powerful electron microscope would see that you are made up of a cluster of ever-changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, atoms, and photons. Our Intelligent Creator made our bodies with the most beautiful and intelligent configuration that is made of pure energy-light. And it is scientifically proven thru quantum physics that this energy can be exchanged between people – we literally give and receive energy. With this knowledge we must be mindful and take responsibility for our actions and take responsibility for the energy that we allow into our spaces and the energy that we bring into other spaces God created our world with energy, time, space, matter, spirit, mind and body. The word energy comes from the Greek “en” (in, within) “ergon”(work). In the simplest definition energy is defined as the capacity, ability or power inherent within to do work or produce change. The Bible speaks of energy especially within the Old Testament, it can be linked to energy being something with the inherent power to do work or create change. In Genesis 1, we are introduced to the Ruach Kodesh (Holy Spirit) hovering and moving over the face of the deep and darkness of the world. This energy moved a created light, the earth, animals and mankind. The New Testament speaks of this energy as "Ruach," the spirit, breath or wind which would be an example of kinetic (movement) energy. John 3: 8 states that:“The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” God’s Spirit has a voice and moves to and fro, it is an active element of the triune nature of God that enables for His Word to be fulfilled through us! For this fulfillment to manifest, this requires us to clear people out of our life whose energy is not supportive of who were are designed to be in this world. When I looked around my world, as far as I could see were energy suckers. People that were not taking responsibility for their energy, and I came to a realization that I had to take responsibility for the energy that I allowed into my space as it was literally draining me DRY!! I made a decision early in my destiny journey that I will never be or do what I am supposed to be in this world if I continue to buy into the energy suckers! I quickly realized that I could not continue to go level to level, experiencing Glory after Glory if I am surrounded by energy that brings me down and sucks the Glory from me! I had to identify the energy suckers and do a clearing of "toxic energy suckers" from my space - that meant people that were leaving me depleted for my divine assignment. We are also responsible for the energy that we bring to a space. Sometimes in a stressful period, we can change from an energy giver to an energy sucker. We all get tired and can be drained. This can be triggered by a short periods of great stress - but rather than suck another person’s energy, that's the time to boost our own reserves. Your goal is to become so energized that you are positively radiating The Light that empowers you to accomplish His Word that's been spoken over you! But you must protect your energy, by being aware of the energy suckers in your life. Notice if you feel tired and drained around certain individuals. See if you can discover a pattern. Ask yourself, when do you usually feel this way, who are you with? What is happening then? What are you doing? By noticing how you are feeling, you are in a better position to decide what you are going to do to conserve your energy. Be it changing your thoughts or choosing what you are willing to accept and allow into your life. Decide for yourself what you can do to maximize the way you maneuver your energy in your daily life to safeguard it for the people and things that are destined for you. That may require you turning the lights off to conserve your energy.
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