Have you ever been in the mood to just clean like you have lost your mind. The past few days I have been in the mood to “get my house in order.” This Spirit hit me Wednesday and I have been doing some cleaning and decluttering. I realized that after a busy year filled with traveling for funerals, pastoring, ministry engagements, school, family functions along with building spiritual houses and The Sanctuary it is time to give my home some required attention. I am not a person that can live in disorganization. Some people call it OCD, I call it being able to function at my highest level when everything has a place and a purpose. Subsequently, when I slowed down I realized for my mental and emotional health, I needed to stop to de-clutter, get rid of some things, give away some stuff that I don’t intend to use and organize some rooms. I am bringing chaos into order. And this is not just a physical reordering, I am being very intentional with my spiritual house as I want to be properly positioned to receive the new wine that I’ve produced from my “labor.” I have learned that order helps us live at our highest state of being and it brings stability. It gives us an anchor so we’re able to deal with whatever life gives us. The truth is, if we’re unable to manage the everyday details of our lives, how are we going to deal with crises when they erupt? Or when the transition to a new level happens how will we manage the increase. How are we going to face the enemy when we can’t face a sink full of dirty dishes? And how will we be of any help to anyone else if our life is ruled by chaos? Order is a good thing. It is defined as "a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement". In Genesis 1 it says that, "The earth was without order, and empty"; it speaks of the chaos that reigned on the earth before God began His work of creation and before He brought everything into a perfect order and harmony. He then speaks "let there be light" and everything changes at once. Did you catch that? From nothing to everything, from chaos to order. God changed everything. The Spirit of God had been studying…examining…lingering and only after this hovering did God act and move by bringing order. And as He looked at His creation, He was so pleased with the "order" He brought to "chaos"; He declared that it was “very good.” But it's important to note that God brought order from chaos by first hovering over the earth. When the earth was without form and void, the Spirit of God hovered over the abyss as He began to bring order out of disorder. This was His Holy wind of love conveying the promise of life, order, and beauty to what was of itself a mess. Because God’s spirit was hovering over it, chaos became promise and by speaking to it, He brought light. God’s actions in creation help us understand how He approaches our lives, and the ways He can help us today as God still brings clarity to confusion. He replaces disorganization with organization. Uncertainty is replaced by certainty. Chaos is replaced by order. Those who are aimless are given His plans. Emptiness is replaced by meaning and purpose. And any sense of darkness is replaced by His light. Are there areas of your life that feel chaotic or out of control and could use God's light? As we approach the end of the year I am taking responsibility and bringing order to my chaos, will you? He is hovering looking for you to take this opportunity to look over our marriage, family, relationships; business and personal, finances, and stewardship to ask Him to bring order out of your chaos. My finances is another area that I have taken stock of in August of this year with our Ezra fast and I realized that I needed to implement some strategies to bring complete wholeness so that I can be in proper position for His next move in 2019. It may seem as if our marriage or our family is falling apart – it could be an illness, or death; it could be infidelity or lack of commitment; it could be falling into depression, the routine, the unhealthy comfort of life; it could be an abandonment of our spiritual connection with God and thus with one another. Whatever it is that’s brought disorder and chaos in our life, in our marriage, in our family, we can ask God to send His Holy Spirit to restore order, to bring back harmony, to make something very good out of the chaos we have created. Pray and ask your Heavenly Father, to speak to the chaos in your life so that He can shine His light so that He can get your house in order with His plans so that you can have His peace and His joy! If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda.
August 2020
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