“Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become…habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.”- Margaret Thatcher This quote has always spoke volumes to me because our words have so such an effect on our lives. The world, the entire universe was formed at God's command, and what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen. (Hebrews 11:3) He literally spoke nothing into something. This past weekend in The Sanctuary I taught on the power of the pen in this month on our Father's calendar and it led me to think on the power of words and how my own words, written and spoken has framed our world. Words: we speak them, read them, write them, and sing them. They are our main conduit of communication. But, my goal was to determine how words frame my world. Many days I have to put my thought life into check because I know that my thoughts do become my words, then my actions which eventually become my world. I battle my thoughts and I have to make a conscious effort to captive of thoughts that are designed to keep me from living less than my most abundant life. I know people think that because of what I do that I don’t battle against very human issues like anyone else. #RealTalk Tasked with my destiny assignments coupled with the constant opposition and warfare I encounter to walk in my ordained destiny discouraging, disrespectful and dispiriting words creep into my cranium, heart and mouth. And I know enough to know that there is a strong connection between our heart, what we say and how we live. How do you think? When times are tough, do you believe there isn’t enough to go around? Or, are you more prone to trust that there’s plenty? Most of us are a combination of the two. Sometimes we believe there is enough to go around, and sometimes we fear there isn’t. Often, the things that matter most to us are the items that fall into what’s called, scarcity thinking, such as the job we've been working toward for years or the man we've been searching for just as long. The fear that we'll miss out creates an urgency that clouds our thinking and leads us into discouragement, depression or we make poor choices. That's why it’s imperative that we know more of our Father's thoughts and words than our own, because For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. 1 Peter 3:10 (NIV) We are able to pull inspiration from the Words of the Most High and use it to frame our world – especially through the words we use we experience that #SuperlativeLife! Abundance thinking helps us keep life in balance. Instead of thinking if not now, you think not now later in His perfect timing. Instead of thinking, if I pass on this opportunity, it may never come again, you think if the opportunity doesn’t come again, He has something better and greater. Gods desire is for you is to not just believe in Him, but for you to believe His Words and His Thoughts – that He will provide whatever you need to get through whatever you must and provide every resource to get it done. His has already spoken and told us that He has a good and perfect plan for us and He desires to shift us out of whatever has been holding us back from experiencing His exceedingly abundant plans. It's clear that changing our spiritual climate with our words sets the stage for a shift in spiritual seasons. This means we must do our part to position ourselves for the shift. I know personally for me this month I intend on being very intentional with my words. I intend to use my words to frame the climate to cause the epic to happen. He is interested in our creativity and how we can use our ability to “speak a thing” to create a spiritual climate that is conducive for Him to move in our lives. When we change our climate, it will lead to a suddenly, an unexpected, a make haste marked by a manifesting abruptness brought about in a short time. Are you expecting and positioning for your season of abundance? I challenge you today to take your pen and write three statements of abundance that align with our Father’s Words and then speak them over your life! I can guarantee you they will not return to you void! HOW WILL YOU USE WORDS TO FRAME YOUR WORLD? JOIN THE CONVERSATION, COMMENT BELOW AND THEN SHARE TO INSPIRE AND ENCOURAGE SOMEONE!
Yes, that's how close it is to say something that you will regret later when you are angry. When you are angry you are liable to say and do anything. How do I know this? Anger was my Achilles heels. Anger is an emotion common to all people and it was very common for me. Now I was not one to walk around angry and mad all the time. But when you pushed me past my limits the person you knew as a ray of sunshine turned into a raging bull with red in her eyes. I was possessed with an anger that was not going to go away until any and everyone in my path was hurting like I was. When I became angry I had no filter. I would read you for filth and no topic or person was off limits. And I was ready to fight if I said those fighting words. I went for blood; I wasn't going to stop until I tasted it. It was so apparent my father nicknamed me "Lil Mike Tyson." This anger was destructive and almost destroyed me. And we see this destruction with the increasing occurrence of road rage, office shootings, high school. club and concert killing sprees—in short, with the prevalence of violence in America today—the attention given to acting-out, out-of-control anger may never have been greater. It was with the help of my Auntie, who was also my Pastor and the Spirit of God that I was able to take control of the spirit of anger. She constantly challenged me to be accountable to this destructive spirit and she lead me out of the wilderness that anger had me wandering in. It wasn't easy to gain victory and I am always on guard to prevent this spirit from rearing its ugly head. And as I write this transparent thought the enemy tried it again to cause me to turn into that fighting bull. I have been tested by a spirit of disrespect that would have made Yo-Yo show up to settle the score. But I made choice to not allow anger rule me anymore and to let the Spirit of God to settle some scores. Now that's not to say I wasn't hot as fish grease when faced with the pettiness and messiness of the disrespect. But instead of Yo-Yo moving furniture, now Pastor Yolanda who is accountable to the Spirit of God does not react and express my emotions in ways that spread the harm around. It's a natural reaction to get angry. It is simply an emotion, a God-given part of life as a human being. It's a natural reaction to threats or injuries, however left to fester and grow, anger can wreak havoc on a soul. It important to be clear that anger in itself is not sin. Our Lord talks about a righteous anger which arises from the virtue of zeal, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit which often called “righteous indignation.” We find God gets angry (Psalm 7:11; Mark 3:5), and believers are commanded to be angry (Ephesians 4:26). There is also the positive value of anger that leads to the protection of others nor to self-defense. When we use our anger to motivate us to change something in our life, anger ends up being good and helpful. But anger for many people results in irritability, rage, wrath, stress, resentment, loss of confidence, depression and other negative behaviors. This type of anger is deadly. That's why we can "be angry, but sin not." (Ephesians 4:26-32) But many people struggle to express their anger in a healthy manner. Some people hold their anger in and others are quick to explode in an outburst. Your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline, your rate of breathing increases and your body's muscles tense up. It is difficult to relax from an angry state quickly. The adrenaline-caused arousal that occurs during anger lasts a very long time sometimes hours or days. And this lowers the anger threshold, making it easier to get angry again later on. It takes a rather long time for the body to return to the resting state. No matter how we express it if we’re not in control of our anger it can get the best of us. That's why I had to work thru my own internal issues, commit fully and be open to the process of being delivered from the anger that caused me to rage and then ultimately be out of His will. I wanted to possess a righteous anger that caused me to advance His Kingdom not tear it down. If you ever want to understand your anger, you have to look this way (inward), because your anger is connected not just to events outside of you; your anger is connected to something going on inside of you. Ask yourself how do you generally respond when you are angry? Think of a time during the past week when you felt your emotions changing in the direction of impatience and anger. How does your anger shows itself. Irritation? Yelling or screaming? Explosions? Acts of fury on behalf of rescuing, defending or preserving someone else? Do you dwell on all the dark things that others have done? Do you think about destroying someone’s reputation because of what they did to you? Do you start off expressing right anger, but then it changes and becomes mean and destructive? You will never gain ground with your anger unless you get this. I had to get that I could not be the angry, cussing and fighting Pastor, that is NOT a good look. Furthermore, I personally have seen the effects that anger has on the physical body and that's why I have created conscious and unconscious processes to deal with my angry feeling which includes sometimes being silent or other times expressing them in an assertive, but non-aggressive, manner. “Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” – Aristotle We cannot control how others act or respond, but we can make the changes that need to be made on our part to not fell prey to the attack. Overcoming anger is not accomplished overnight. But through prayer, studying the Word, and reliance upon God’s Holy Spirit, ungodly anger can be overcome. We may have allowed anger to become entrenched in our lives by habitual practice, but we can also practice responding correctly until that, too, becomes a habit and God is glorified in our response. Lets not take for granted this teaching from Jesus. Today pray on releasing the anger so that you sin not and ask the Lord to fill you with His Holy Presence so that there will not be any room for anger to make you so angry that you lose control. If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda. As I shared in my transparent thought last week I have been busy juggling many roles in life much like you reading my transparent thought. I am busy being a pastor, a wife, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, a friend, a confidant, a visionary, a business owner, a grad student, an accountant, a web designer, a graphic artist, a teacher, a maid and a cook. This week I made a conscious decision to stop and take off my cape because my mind is tired. My body is tired. Yolanda is tired. As I sat down to write this thought, I was apprehensive about sharing these words," I AM TIRED." Why? Because women, women in leadership and especially black women are not allowed to show this type of vunerability. We are taught that you must be the "strong black woman" thus you don't show your tiredness or exhaustion to the world as God is your strength. Women, particularly black women, are reared to believe that we are superwomen fueled by God. Our special attributes? We have the power and strength to take on the weight of the world and not fold; suppress emotions; the ability to resist being vulnerable or dependent; we succeed despite limited financial, emotional and physical resources and support; and we help others. All the while looking like we just stepped off of the cover of a magazine. The, “strong Black woman” narrative is both empowering and devastating. This warrior being everything to everybody, every day and every second of the day is draining and taxing to our souls, minds and bodies. But we determinedly push thru the natural to reveal the supernatural with a smile. The statement is true, God is our strength, however He also gives us His wisdom to know when our bodies are saying is time to take the cape off. That is what I am doing in the next few weeks, taking off some capes. Although I am living my best life, feeling the most fulfilled and confident I have every felt in my life plus I am seeing the fruit of my labor in those the Father have ordained for me to pour into, I have been pushed physically, stretched intellectually and spiritually in addition to encountering some very disappointing and disrespectful situations in the past few months that caused me to just be TIRED! And in my Father's wisdom I have deemed it necessary for me to stop and sit at my Father’s feet to take stock of my spiritual, physical tank and empty my emotional tank of the emotions from all the matters that have me TIRED! I have found that without showing myself internal compassion and dedicated time for restoration, you can push yourself to the brink of insanity. Every SUPERWOMAN needs SELF-CARE. While we tend to our homes, vocations, play our positions and tend to the to do lists all the while attempting to defend our super naturalness "the silent killer" heart disease is creeping up. It is currently the number one cause of death for women in the U.S., with Black women being at greater risk for heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, according to the American Heart Association. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) the chronic high pressure levels are leading to negative effects on our bodies, specifically the musculoskeletal, respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems. The not sleeping, worrying and disconnecting is affecting the female reproductive system and having a negative effect on babies in utero which is a contributing factor to the high number of preterm births and infant mortality rates. We develop behaviors such as emotional eating, smoking, and dysfunctional sleep patterns from generational hurt, trauma, cycles and pathologies. We can no longer afford to ignore how taxing this superwoman syndrome is on us and take the time to take the cape off to take care of self. But that is the double edge sword from the superwoman syndrome, we do not slate time for self-care. Women, black women in particular, are so indoctrinated to push past healthy limits that we often do not know how to set essential and necessary boundaries that would protect us. We aren't encouraged to set them because then we would not be the noble, kind and polite woman who sacrifice for those we care for, instead we push past hurt, pain, disappointment, heartbreaks, exhaustion and depression to be the resilient superwoman holding down a house, a job sometimes two, while being a caretaker of family, friends and the pets all the while suffering silently. While there is beauty in giving yourself, at no point should we give so much of ourselves that we are depleted still showing up. Another consequence of the superwoman syndrome, we allow and justify uninspiring and toxic relationships, habits, experiences and energy to take up spiritual space. We no longer can justify mistreatment, pain and suffering and our resiliency should not be defined by our ability to withstand an immense amount of pain and suffering without emotionally breaking. We have to eliminate every ideology that normalizes the idea that emotional stoicism is self-control. I've had several men tell me that I am "overly emotional" when I expressed sentiments after hurtful and disappointing situations; emotional expressiveness and being intuitive were devalued and associated with femininity and femaleness. So, to give the façade of being strong emotionally I erroneously learned to barricade my vulnerable side and refuse to be emotionally free. I learned very quickly that this was destructive to my health and well-being. When we do this, we block the ability to open up and experience emotions and feelings that were given to us by God as way to release and exchange with others in an enriching and constructive way. This mindset of suppressing legitimate emotions greatly impacts our health and influences health behaviors that lead to heart disease, anxiety, tumors and other womb related illnesses and other lifestyle related infirmities. While it is a benefit to be strong and resilient in a society that is structured to work against you, it is important to take stock of our mental health, moreover, it’s important to embrace a lifestyle that makes your individual health and well-being a priority. In order for us to grow individually and advance corporately the Kingdom of God we must first recognize that taking care of your spirit, mind, soul and body make you better equipped to show up for those you love and serve. Remember Lazarus two sisters, Martha and Mary, Martha reminds me of the superwoaman who gets things done and cooks lip-smacking meals. In Luke 10:38-42 we read about her getting busy with preparations for guests, while Mary sat at the Lord's feet soaking in His words. When Martha complained to Jesus about Mary not helping her, he answered saying; “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” She chose what was good for her emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. There's nothing selfish about doing what's good for your well-being, as long as it's not at the expense of others. Here are few of my self-care tips that I apply to my own life.
Recognize that the S on your chest is not for superwoman or savior but for SELF-CARE. If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda. Living God’s dream for your life is not always lived on easy-street. I can attest to this. In the month of April, I traveled two consecutive weeks for ministry work and pleasure. I take pleasure in using my time for purposeful and fulfilling work, but the extensive traveling and ministering back to back took a toll on my body. I remember my aunt who was also my Pastor Barbara Brewton-Cameron saw this for my life 14 years ago, well before I was in ministry, and she spoke a very useful word into me, that it was necessary to take care of my health and body as I would be used very extensively for the Kingdom. And I as began to walk thru new doors of opportunities, I can say that I have been stretched to extend my gifts in a capacity that has made this prophecy so true. The fast pace left me weary from the strenuous workout of maintaining life as a wife, sister, daughter, aunt and friend, business owner and burdened from being a teacher and preacher yoked with an innovative assignment. In fact, many of us feel the effects of our fast-paced lives. It takes a toll on our bodies as we extend, work and sometimes overextend ourselves trying to take care of our children, husbands, homes, ministry and work. Add to that the weight of finances, relatives, and everyday inconveniences, next thing you know you’re in your feelings and your emotions overwhelm you. Pouring from an empty vessel does harm to you and those around you. During these moments it’s easy to feel invisible. Under appreciated. And angry. You may even ask yourself as I did, “Does anyone appreciate what it takes for you to show up or to keep up and get everything done?!” In these moments its imperative that you understand how rest is essential to realize His dreams for you. To fulfill the purposes of God for your life, you need rest! It’s the most important component of renewing your body and mind every day. However, to get rest, you need to have a restful spirit. King David wrote, “I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8) God’s dream for your life happens when you are rested—in Him. That is what I have been doing. I have been resting in Him so that I can fully realize that “His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30) Are you getting the recovery time you need physically? First, try resting in Him spiritually and you’ll find the safety needed for a good night’s rest. When you give your weary and burdened heart to Him, He gives you rest for your soul. His gift is the kind of rest that will cure burnout and renew your enthusiasm for Him and strengthen you to meet your daily responsibilities and pursue your purpose with passion! While it may not help clean the house, it will keep you from turning up on someone! Rest! If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda. This year has been filled for me with new doors of opportunity that have forced me out of my place of comfort. Just the first three months of 2018 I have fostered new relationships, developed new gifts, and opened the door to new experiences. And this is just the beginning, my Father has placed more on the agenda for 2018. This is the fulfillment of what I heard from my Father as I asked for direction for the new year of 2018, that this will be the year that we will experience new doors opening for those who have calibrated their agenda with God’s agenda. I often look at things from an additional perspective that includes not only the revelation of the Holy Spirit but the ways of God. So, if this year contain New Doors, then it is helpful to ask: What are the requirements to go from one door to the next? As I vision multiple new doors, therefore, we need to consider: To go through an open door, do you have to close some old doors first? As I spent time with the Lord and followed the direction of the Holy Spirit this year there has been times that I had to do somethings I had never done. I have had to close some doors on relationships, severe some deep seeded soul ties; die to my desires and my wants to accomplish what God has purposed for me. I have had to come out of my tent of limitation and comfort to go through doors to realize the new, fresh and exciting things purposed for me. Many of us are kept from our destiny because we refuse to acknowledge exactly who is in control of the doors in our lives. We refuse to acknowledge the purpose for which we were created. Sometimes we want to be anything BUT what God has called us to be. Romans 9:20 says, “Should the thing that was created say to the one who created it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’” I am here to tell you that the more quickly you embrace the obvious purposes of God for your life, the sooner you will see the promise. Doors will open this year as you are willing to walk through them. If we make the transition right, we will not recognize ourselves in the next decade, but God will. So, ask yourself, what has been in your field of view that has been getting in your way? What is "the thing" that may prevent you from walking through that open door? "The thing" can be described as the “thing (s)” you are currently doing that hinders you from cooperating with the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. That “thing” preoccupies you and diverts your attention away from God. This year, you will turn yet another year older and it's insane to think you can continue to do the same thing and get different results. If you want to live the life God predestined for you—the life of your dreams, allow Him to assist you in getting rid of "the thing in hand," so you can walk thru New Doors with New Liberty and New Revelation as there are wide doors of opportunity that is open for you! There are new wells waiting for you in your land. But you can’t enter and occupy if you are allowing “things” to block and hinder you passing thru. We are in the time of Isaiah 22:22 where the Lord is releasing the authority to empower, impart, and equip a company of people with the keys of the Kingdom. These keys unlock the door of the Kingdom within His people that will enable them to rule with dominion under an open heaven with the authority of Christ the Lion of Judah. Be brave, tell that “thing” to MOVE, GET OUT OF THE WAY.” Remember it is He, the Lord, Who will lead you out of the tent, through your doors of opportunity to enter and occupy the land of promise He has given you! #IssaPromise If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda. |
August 2020
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