When Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, He left you an incredible gift—your spiritual gift. Maybe you’ve not discovered yet what you have in Jesus. Could it be you have it framed on the wall, not using it? Or have left your gift under the tree, unopened and unappreciated? 1 Corinthians 12: 1 says that God does not want us to be ignorant to our spiritual gifts, brethren. But you see I was not ignorant. I always knew I had gifts, but I was confused as to where to use my gifts, as the places that I thought they could be used. I was told it was either "too much," or it was "abused," "manipulated," and "misappropriated." So because of what people did with my gifts, I had become so disheartened that I had fooled myself in thinking that my gifts did not have a place. So I let them sit unopened. But God didn’t send His Son to save us so that we could sit but to serve! He gave us all a spiritual gift. Ephesians 4:7 says, But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” Grace here is the Greek word "charis" which is a God-given spiritual ability for service and ministry. So if you're a child of God, you are graced with a gift. And each of His children are given something to do that shows who God is: "Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits". (1 Corinthian 12:4-11, Message) Your spiritual gift goes beyond talent. You don’t choose your spiritual gift anymore than you choose your natural gifts—like the color of your eyes or skin. Just as you get natural talents genetically by your first birth, your spiritual gift is given to you at your new birth. It is supernatural. You can develop your natural gifts, and you can develop your supernatural gifts. You see I never really developed the gifts my Father bestowed upon me, because I allowed people in my family, on my jobs, and in the churches I attended to discourage me from using my gifts. Because as the worship song says: "The systems of the world Will try to take your confidence But these systems were designed to make you doubt what heaven sent But these systems were designed to make you sit down on your gift." Donald Lawrence - The Gift Lyrics | MetroLyrics When I no longer allowed fear, criticism, envy, and jealously to discourage what I know God has graced me to be and do, did I begin to serve Him more freely and unapologetically. I have discovered gifts that I never knew existed and I must say that these gifts that I have been graced to wear sure looks good on me. Someone just recently said to me that I look "so free" and that's because I have opened the gifts my loving Father bestowed upon me and I am wearing them with grace, freely, fiercely, and fearlessly. And you know what, God has graced you too, and your gifts can look good on you too. Never despise someone else's gift, because "all kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! The variety is wonderful. God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit." (1 Corinthian 12:4-11, Message) So you wear what God has graced you with because as one body we will bring glory to our Heavenly Father who freely bestowed His Spirit on each of us. As a gifted child you can’t leave your gift in the box or sitting on the wall collecting dust. Find out what God wants you to do and get busy doing it. Focus on serving Him because when you serve Him, joy begins to flow and you live in fulfillment. Today, accept yourself, unwrap your gift, surrender yourself and then work your grace for the glory of God. If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda.
![]() People love to say that haters are their motivators. I don't give haters that much credit. My love for God, His Son Jesus and the Person of the Holy Spirit is what motivates me. When I think on His goodness, all the love my Father has for me and all that He has done for me, it sends me into complete and a total praise. Because without Him I could not and would not have made it thus far. He has given us that which we don’t deserve: eternal love, the Holy Spirit, His son Jesus, His eternal grace, His peace that surpasses all understanding, His comfort, His strength, His wisdom, His patience, His kindness, His glory, His honor and so much more. The knowledge and understanding of these incredible gifts should motivate us to pour forth praise and thanksgiving, in other words, worship! Worship is a time when we pay deep, sincere, awesome respect, love, and reverence to the One who created, protected and loved us and for being the one who we can depend and lean on. Psalms 18:2 says, The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. One writer says about Psalms 18, "This Psalm breathes the atmosphere of extemporaneous praise" (W. T. Purkiser). There is not one place in this passage that David doesn't express anything but praise and adoration for God. He never takes personal credit, He say, "I will praise you among the nations." "I will sing praises to your name." And it is certainly appropriate, at this point, after remembering everything God has done, after remembering all the times that God has delivered him. After remembering all the times that God intervened with strength and power, after remembering all the times that God strengthened him for the battles, it is appropriate to lift his voice and sing praises to the One who has made all this possible. With that, I challenge you during your time of personal prayer and devotion to take out a piece of paper and a pen and begin to look back over your life. Instead of thinking on all the times it felt as though you were alone, think on those times that God was with you. Think back about those times that God answered your prayers. Think back about those times that God spoke to you. Think back about those times that God intervened in your life and begin to write about it! Don’t worry if you aren’t a skilled poet like David. But just write down your praise to God…let it flow from your heart. Let Jesus know that you love Him and let Him know why and do it on paper. It will be meaningful to Him and you, to know that "He is Everything." If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda.
![]() After a conversation with a friend about dreams, visions and having clear direction for your life, your marriage, your children - your family as a whole. I began to think on a #FundamentalLesson I have learned in my marriage, watching my parents as well as those around me, is that you must have a clear vision(s) for you and your family. Not the vision that the world has said that you should have, but the one that is divine because you have prayed about, meditated on it, and received clarity as to how it should be accomplished. I have refused to live a life that is mundane and ordinary. I will not say at the end of this life, "I coulda" "woulda" and "shoulda". I have witnessed so much greatness go six feet under prematurely, not accomplishing that which they were ordained to achieve because they were not aligned with the will for their lives or they were afraid to take a risk. Therefore, I have committed and believe in getting aligned with the will of God that He has for me, individually as well as in my marriage and for my extended family. His Will are the vision(s) He has for your life. God is so multifaceted and multi dimensional. He has so many sources and streams for us, but we never see the manifestation because our mindsets are that of this world. To understand and live in your dreams you must become kingdom minded and operate in obedient faith. Another key you must surround yourself with those who are driven to live out the superlative life ordained for them. I have a group of people around me who are kingdom minded and are committed to being that which they are called to be and we are taking this life fearlessly and by storm. Also, I believe in "writing the vision" and not just writing it but actually being a doer of it. Once you get a clear understanding in these areas, it doesn't matter what anyone says about you, what they do to you or how they try to sabotage you, you're pressing forward focused in your higher calling. These are fundamental teaching for those who enter into one of the visions that God has placed in me, "The Sanctuary". He has so much destiny and purpose in each of us, but it is up to us to transform our thinking and our surroundings so that we can believe and began to live out that which has been foreordained for us at the foundation of the earth. Yes, in the beginning He was thinking about you and me! I encourage those of you that are tired of being in the "rut" and on the "hamster wheel of life" to get with some folks who are tired of the ordinary and are ready to do the "extraordinary" and to begin to write your vision(s) and not only write but take action because "faith without you doing is dead". Then believe and expect that the greatness, visions and dreams that are in you will be accomplished and manifested through Christ Jesus. "The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." ~Proverbs 16:9 If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda.
August 2020
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