![]() I was recently listening to Tasha Cobbs-Leonard new song “Gracefully Broken,” and when I heard these lyrics I could do nothing but worship as it resonated deep within me: God will break you to position YOU Break you to promote you And break you to put you in your right place But when He breaks you He doesn't hurt you, He doesn't When He breaks you He doesn't destroy you, He does it with; grace Anybody been gracefully broken? Thank You, Lord, thank You So Father tonight, we're broken before You Thank You for handling us with grace Just lift your worship right there in this moment Why would anyone choose to be broken? Why would you check into a hospital and allow the surgeon to start cutting? Because you know that surgery is one of the ways you can experience healing and to be physically restored. What makes a woman willing to endure long hours of intense labor? She knows that beyond the labor there will be the joy of a new life. So why would anyone choose brokenness? Because brokenness brings blessedness. Brokenness is God’s requirement for maximum usefulness. The Father uses adversity to break our self-will and transform us into useful vessels for His kingdom. Usually when people think about facing hardship, they focus on the suffering and pain involved. But what exactly is brokenness? What is its purpose? And is there any way to avoid it and still be useful to God? Christ came, and He was broken to bring us the blessing of grace, mercy and power. The Apostle Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” kept him from exalting himself, despite his impressive credentials. I was broken into many pieces from the loss of relationships, jobs, personal possessions and my health. And through the brokenness I found my divine purpose, destiny and fulfillment. Brokenness is the Lord’s method of dealing with our self-reliance—that desire within us to act independently from Him. God wants us to bring every area of our lives into submission to His will, and He uses our trials to lead us to a point of total surrender. In brokenness, God desires to break our self-will so that we can be fully devoted servants. This means that brokenness is not chastisement or punishment. For His children, brokenness isn’t a penalty, but an act of mercy intended to bring one into right standing with Him. Brokenness is about the future. The Father deals with our attitude for the purpose of conforming us to His will and making us effective ministers to others (Eph. 2:8-10). And this is achieved through adversity and challenges, our Father targets the areas of self-will in our lives. He wants to break the attitudes that do not honor Him—such as self-righteousness, self-reliance, and self-centeredness, pride, ignorance, fear, worldly entanglements, unhealthy relationships, rebelliousness, and strongholds of the enemy. We are only as useful to God as we are obedient to Him. Whether He allows difficulties to arise in our family, finances, or health, He does so out of love. When we resist brokenness, we hinder our relationship with the Lord. We delay the fulfillment of God’s will in our lives. What does the Father keep targeting in your life? Is it your self-reliance? If so, submit to the process of brokenness, and allow Him to control every area of your life. Let Him determine what remains and what must go. Yes, there is suffering in surrendering to the Lord, which may include physical, emotional, spiritual, and even relational pain. But remember we have the grace to be broken so that the blessings on the other side of brokenness can flow freely! If you have been reeling from betrayals, exhausted by chronic pain, shamed by their foolish choices, disillusioned with ministry, loneliness in yr marriage, enslaved by an addiction, or just flat out weary from the demands and busyness of life, pray this prayer with me. Dear Lord, Though there have been seasons and will be season where throwing in the towel, finding another story, or just flat running away are certainly attractive, but I realize that I have nowhere to go. You alone give the words of life, the sufficient grace, and the hope of glory. May your voice be ten times louder than the complaining around me and the grumblings inside me. So with my palms up as an act of surrender, I offer freely this earthen vessel. Father, in the coming hours and days, weeks and years, prove the wonders of your love in my midst I ask that your redeeming purposes will be most fully realized through my brokenness, and I surrender to you. In Jesus Matchless Name I pray, with expectancy, Amen. If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda.
1 Comment
Deborah Woolard
3/15/2018 22:07:12
Powerful. Definitely learned during my season of brokenness and trustrd God.
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