![]() Can you be in God's will and be miserable? Well, yes. But you can also be in tremendous peace. For people who are saying, "I'm in a tough situation right now because I believe it's where God wants me, but I'm miserable, frustrated and unhappy," there's good news. When God asks us to stay in a difficult situation, He provides a special grace for us to get through it. It's the kind of grace that leads others to look at us and think: Wow! I can't believe they're dealing with this and still have such peace! That's faith! When we say things like, "I just don't think I can make it," we're essentially giving up, when we could just as easily trust God to help and sustain us. I have been in difficult situations that I know were God's Will for my life, and I wanted to react in my flesh to remove myself from the most uncomfortable situations. But in these uncomfortable situations is where I grew and matured in my faith. What I learned, and it was the most valuable lesson, was that when you stop fighting the Will that's when you will feel the mot fulfilled. If you are anxious, tense, or concerned about anything in your life, begin now to relax, let go, and let God fill your need. Learning to trust God for His grace on a daily basis will help you keep your thoughts and mouth in line with His Word. No matter what seems to be missing from your life—be it a much-loved person, a special place, an activity of great value, or a feeling of well-being—know that when you pray God's light and substance and divine activity will move in and through you. God's creative process is awaiting your acceptance of its productive, healing action. Let your thoughts be lifted up. Let the presence of God dissolve your fears and doubts and remove every unbelief. God's love and goodness will always fill every need in your circumstances, every hunger of your heart, every longing of your soul for peace and assurance, and every good desire for your well-being. Although it may now seem you are separated from that which has been your greatest avenue of comfort, security, or supply, remember: God is always there to help you. No matter how great the divide may seem between you and the solution to your deepest desire, begin now to relax from the strain and effort of questioning, planning, and reasoning. Take a few moments today to pray and ask our Father for His help to help you not to allow the uncomfortableness and uneasiness of the unknown prevent you from finding peace in the midst of His Will If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda.If this thought has been profitable to you, please share with your friends and family. Like or click the social share button or leave a comment in the box below for Pastor Yolanda.
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August 2020
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